Saturday, March 22, 2014

Southwest wanderings blog..who knows what day..

Well, wifi has been sketchy to no postings.
There has been a lot of driving to get from post A to B..lots of open land and not as much to see as I would have liked. I guess it is like that in the southern part if New Mexico. We did have fun in Silver City New Mexico, a reviving little artist community. Lost of coffee shops and a coupe wine bars but otherwise, several artist studio galleries, some better than others but what they have done to the old buildings is charming. Also at some point they had a mural competition, so that has added to the flavor of the old town, that I am writing about.
Scott and I are a bit overwhelmed with the poverty in which much of the population lives here in the southwest. We are grateful for all we are blessed with I our lives.
Today we left Silver City for Las Crucas, which turned out to be a bit of a disappointment. Wee had heard the Messilla was the "artistic place" to hang out, and that we should go to the Double Eagle/ peppers I think it was. Anyway, that was probably the best meal I had ever eaten. Chicken Pichacho. Yum!
Tomorrow we will be going to White Sands, and depending how long we take on that excursion, we might just give up our second day at this not so nice RV park. Don't go to the candlelight RV park. Not worth the stop. It was on our passport America membership but so not a good place.
I wish I could post Picts but still have not been able to link up with the right google plus account. You can look on my Facebook though to see a few.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day one of Southwest wandering adventure

Sorry but I thought I lost this one but found it.. Tells more about our first day in detail.. I am on a learning curve.. Bare with me...

Day one of our journey was more of a get there day. The 8 hour drive from temecula to a Kia camp in Eloy AZ was safe and uneventful. It was a long day of driving but after we got to camp and set up we went over to the bar/ steakhouse.. Yes in the middle of no where.. There we found Elvis was in the building, or out in the open as it were...on stage at the KOA camp swing his hips and mumbling his tunes. I say that cuz he was more if an Elvis personality than a singer but quite entertaining just the same. He worked the crowd giving the ladies scarves. He came over and shook Scott's hand and the took mine and kissed me. It was fun. He came over and gave Scott a pair of Elvis glasses then said he was going to change and come back. We were done with our margaritas so Scott wanted to go back to the Scamp. 
Didn't sleep well, but never do the first night. After breakfast we decided on the next camping spot, Silver City, New Mexico where we will sit for two nights. I got a hankerin to find those hot springs for that crick in my back. 
Will try to post the days adventure each night.

Our southwestern trip through NEW MEXICO

This is my second attempt at blogging today from my phone. Hoping this time it works.
Last night we were in a KOA camp in Eloy AZ and to our surprise we were entertained by Elvis while drinking Margaritas. He apparently makes an appearance on Wed. and Sun. Although not the best singing voice, he was quite entertaining. He had the routines and gyrations down as well as gifting women his scarf. He shook Scott's hand, gave him glasses and then kissed me! Pretty funny.

Today we drove along the 10 and the up to Silver City where I was delighted to find an eclectic artist community in their old town. The buildings were brightly painted and murals scattered throughout the town. It was late in the day so most everything was already closed.  Oh, and we also passed by what looked like a huge mining opperation, but we found out that what we could see from the road was only about 10% of the whole thing. Pretty impressive.
I wanted to post Picts but am as yet unable to get photos from my google plus account. Apparently it won't go direct from my phon. Since I somehow have two google plus accounts, I need to figure out how to either switch the one linked to this blog or delete one of the google accounts. Might take a while.
I am posting some Picts to my Facebook..

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Travel/ painting the south west

If you would like to follow my painting adventures, follow my blog at I am hoping that things will work out with uploading frequently to that blog while traveling.
Thank you for following me and my work.