Sunday, January 15, 2012

Daily Painting

I am sorry gang, but I have not been posting to this site as often. I am mostly focusing on the other blog that is on my website, 
I have been busy doing a painting a day since the first day of 2012, and so far I have not missed a day. Just finished today's painting. If you would like to see the rest of the work, you can go to my site on the above link and sign up for the feed.
I thought though that I would share the process for this one here with a break down of the steps.

 This first view is the basic sketch. I toned the canvas lightly with transparent yellow Oxide. I like to use transparent colors to keep my painting from getting muddy.

 This second view is the transparent color layed in. I used Ultramarine blue, Sap Green, Maganese Blue, Transparent red Oxide, Transparent Yellow Oxide, Transparent Yellow by Holbein, and a transparent red I can't remember the name of, by Holbein. The light on the canvas is what is left of the orginal toned canvas
Here you can see that I added white to the mix, and also some of the cad yellow colors.  My goal lately is to make sure I leave some of the strokes in tact. I tend to be too nit picky. The painting has been done with a half inch brush so far. Bristle.

Here you see the finished painting. To get to this point, I switched to a smaller round brush and pushed the brush into the paint to load it onto the brustles so that I could "lay" the pigment onto the canvas rather than "stroke" the brush. This is the place where I end up taking it too far. Perhaps when I have painted the entire year of daily paintings, I will master this thing. Likely, though, I will find something else to work on. Seems to be the way it goes.
You can purchase this 6x6 gallery wrap painting on my website, for $80..


  1. Your art is amazing. if you ever want to post on we would love to spread your art through our network!

  2. fruits and little baby go for beach its so nice paintaing
