Saturday, November 21, 2009

Working from Photo reference, tweaking in photoshop.

So often when we take photos we are excited about the images, and then when we look at them later we wonder, "Where is that awesome scene I shot?". After plowing through the reference material, we find it, then only to be disappointed that it just doesn't look like we remember. Today though with digital photography, it is much nicer, but still, not as wonderful, had we taken the time to sit and sketch the scene ourselves and take notes. Time doesn't always allow that, so photography is the next best thing.

The original photo that I used for this scene was taken on a family outing to Kommern, Germany. This place was a wonderful place to explore. I hope some day when I get back there, I can go out on my own, and just sit and paint, one scene after another. That day though, I was a guest, and was enjoying the company of my family there.

This is the original photo that I took. You can see te basic idea is there but with some artistic licence, I think I have improved on the scene a bit. In photoshop, I worked up a comp, adding the hollyhocks and doing some enhancement.

I think that you will agree that the changes that I made from the photo, greatly improved the painting. I am doing a series of pieces that I hope to use as greeting cards, or calendars.

Thank you to my family for blessing me with such a wonderful day in Kommern! I have so many fond memories of the time I spent in Germany, getting to know them all. I am looking forward to going back very soon!

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