Monday, November 30, 2009

Student Art Show: "Artists in the Making" Meet and Greet Reception

Cosi’, Art from the Hearth presents:
“Artists in the Making”
A collection of works by students of Gabriele Baber
December 9th
6 pm to 8 pm
Refreshments will be served.

Temecula Cosi’
41493 Margarita Rd
Temecula,CA 92591
(951) 296-6208

Student Denise V working on her holiday watercolor painting in my studio

The art works in this presentation are a collection of works from current and past students of Gabriele Baber. The pieces were produced in Gabriele’s Oil Painting, and Watercolor Classes and the entire show is student work with the exception of the pieces representing the instructor.
In the Oil Painting class, students are encouraged to work on their own subject matter at their own pace with guidance from the instructor. Group and private critique helps each student from beginning through completion. Through positive working environment and gentle critique the students are able to achieve positive results.
In the Watercolor classes, the students work together on the same image following step by step instruction with the instructor. Most paintings are completed in two or three class sessions. Students are encouraged to continue work on other pieces using the lessons learned for that week.

"I am extremely proud of my students and enjoy helping then through their journey and grateful to Cosi’ for allowing me to showcase their work here for all to enjoy!”
Gabriele Baber

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Working from Photo reference, tweaking in photoshop.

So often when we take photos we are excited about the images, and then when we look at them later we wonder, "Where is that awesome scene I shot?". After plowing through the reference material, we find it, then only to be disappointed that it just doesn't look like we remember. Today though with digital photography, it is much nicer, but still, not as wonderful, had we taken the time to sit and sketch the scene ourselves and take notes. Time doesn't always allow that, so photography is the next best thing.

The original photo that I used for this scene was taken on a family outing to Kommern, Germany. This place was a wonderful place to explore. I hope some day when I get back there, I can go out on my own, and just sit and paint, one scene after another. That day though, I was a guest, and was enjoying the company of my family there.

This is the original photo that I took. You can see te basic idea is there but with some artistic licence, I think I have improved on the scene a bit. In photoshop, I worked up a comp, adding the hollyhocks and doing some enhancement.

I think that you will agree that the changes that I made from the photo, greatly improved the painting. I am doing a series of pieces that I hope to use as greeting cards, or calendars.

Thank you to my family for blessing me with such a wonderful day in Kommern! I have so many fond memories of the time I spent in Germany, getting to know them all. I am looking forward to going back very soon!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Making use of One's art work...

We all make these paintings and they pile up one, by one, especially those of us who do demos for classes we teach. Each year I work with my students to come  up with an image they can use for their holiday greeting cards. This year, the painting was inspired by one of my good friends, Colonel Max Hegler, retired, US Airforce. He and his wife went on a trip to someplace back east and posted this wonderful image of Max enjoying his lobster dinner. I just knew I wanted to paint it, but originally not as Santa. This is a good example of using our refernece materials as jumping off point for our work. This guy looks like Santa, but not a lot like Max, and intentionally so...but the work was inspired by Max just the same. As I said in yesterday's post that we are all too involved in making the painting look like the photo!

Ok..I am off the track here. The intention of this blog today is to share with you some things that my students came to class with yesterday. Two of them made lovely calendars out of the images that they painted through out the year to give as gifts for their family members and brought them to share. What a lovely idea and they turned out so nicely!  Such a wonderful way to share something you love to do with the ones you care most about! I have always encouraged the students to find ways to use their art work, be it as greeting cards to send to people as thank you's or pick me ups for those who are sick. With the computer and printers we have these days, the images we can reproduce are sometimes hardly distinquishable from the original. Bookmarks, cook books, greeting cards, t-shirts..any number of things can be done with the art work we create. Different designs can be achieved by cropping the images as well. One need not use the whole image but part to make an interesting design come to life.
I am proud of my gals in my Tuesday morning Watercolor class for the paintings they create, and their efforts to share their work with others. Good Job Gals, Keep up the good work!

Painting classes will be resuming after the holidays in my Temecula Studio mid Jan. Be sure to keep an eye out on my website for updates.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No brown sac for me.....just making the mark

Today in class, my students mentioned that perhaps I should have some brown lunch bags to breath in to for when they start to feel faint from stress...I had to laugh but, I feel compelled to do a blog on this one.

So many people wait for years for the perfect time to start their painting journey. They can't because they are working.... They can't paint because they have kids.... They can't paint because life is so busy.. ..Then when they finally get to it they wonder if they will ever get good enough at it to please themselves.. So hung up on doing everything right. The goal always seems to be, make it look like the photo reference. In the process they are so stressed out trying so hard to do it right they forget the reason for trying to do it in the first place...doing something they thought would bring them joy. So now, these stressed out students are in a classroom wishing they had lunch bags to breath  in to. I see this all the time.

 So here is my input. We have cameras to give us something that looks like a photo. The photo is only inspiration not our bible.   Years ago, I got so that I could paint something that looked exactly like a photograph, something my students wish to aspire to, and spent the time since, trying hard not to make it look anything like a photo.

We have watches to keep us on time and make the time to do the things we want and feel we need to do, so why not paint now? I made the time over the years while raising my children to work on my skill, so that when my kids were gone I had something of myself left..I watched my mother crumble when the kids left. I wanted more for myself, although I did get a bit frayed around the edges as each one left the nest and boy did I understand my mother a whole lot better then! Now though, I am happy that I kept a bit of myself, for myself over the years, as I don't need a paper lunch sac to breath in. Not when I paint, or when I think of the kids not in the nest any longer. I can enjoy my painting days because they are mine and because I have done the work, to improve the skills over the years. My journey now is to paint so it doesn't look like the reference. I enjoy how the brush feels in my hand, the smell of the paint, and the way the paint feels as it glides across the surface of what ever I happen to be painting on. No brown sacs for me..just the pure joy of making the mark... getting lost in the world of shapes, values, and words, no judgement, just peace and the joy of the mark.

Happy painting to you all!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tuesday Morning Watercolor Project "Kommern, with Moan Flowers"

We just finished a new painting in the Tuesday Morning Watercolor class that meets here in my studio. The students are enjoying working from the reference material that I have brought back from the trip to Germany and Paris this last summer. I am still trying to recover from that one..lots happened while I was over there. Perhaps I will share those experiences on another post.

This painting is of a place called Kommern. It is a sort of outdoor museum of very old German houses and villages that have been moved and rebuilt at this park. They are called, "Fachwerksheuser". This place was amazing and they way they reconstructed these homes on site was very interesting. Check out the link about the place, and be sure to click on the "translate" button so you can read about it.

 It was a beautiful day when I visited there with my Onkel Willie, Tante Maria, my cousin Silvia and her twin boys, Marc and Denis. I took so many pictures, and so wished that I could bring my students there to work on location. Perhaps some day I will set up just such a workshop. If you are interested in being on a list for traveling workshops, please email me, and I will be sure to get you on the list.

These are some of my girls working on the next painting, again of Kommern, this time of a cute little house with some hollyhocks in front.
Please share this blog with anyone you feel might be interested, but remember, the images herein are copyrite of the artist.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Student Art Show: "Artists in the Making" installed at COSI' in Temecula

I am excite to announce that as of this morning, the Student art show, "Artists in the Making" works done by my students, is officially installed at Cosi' in Temecula. Cosi is in the Bel Villagio Center behind the mall off Margarita. Their address is 41493 Margarita Rd, Temecula CA. After a couple students and I finished (thank you Dawn, Barbara, LaVerne and Denise!) hanging everything we enjoyed a wonderful lunch there. If you have not gone to Cosi' yet, you really should! Their food is excellent! Be sure to stop by and see the my students work. As soon as I hear back about the meet and greet reception, I will post the date so you can all join us for the fun.

Monday, November 9, 2009

New Website for Gabriele Baber

Been working furiously on my new website. Takes a lot of time getting all the business things done. People tell me all the time how lucky I am to do something I love, making art. I can tell you one thing, that making art is fun, but to work as a full time artist takes a lot of time doing everything but that. There is the Website to maintain, thank goodness for FineARtSTudiosONline to helpe me with that. They have a great set up. It has made it eaiser to get my work up there and a site that looks professional.
Then there is the marketing. That takes a ton of time to get it right. It is something I have been slacking on lately and now I have to pay the price, of time and money to catch up. Those of you who are out there thinking, gee, I am out of work, I think I will paint some paintings and sell them to make some money..well it is not as simple as that. Those of us who do this full time can tell you all about that!
Now I am going to go out to the studio and work up a new painting for the Tuesday Morning Watercolor class. They are finish up a painting this week, and we will be starting a new one. I will post the progress on the current painting later in the week.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Student Art Show: "Artists in the Making" a collection of works by students of Gabriele Baber

Well, this is my first official post on my new BLOG.  I would like to take this opportunity to announce an upcoming show of my students work, to hang at COSI' Restaurant in Temecula off Margarita. I have been collecting works by the students all week and hope to hang some time this week. There will be a "meet and greet" hosted by COSI'..Date to be announced. I am very excited to showcase my students work, from the Wednesday Oil Painting class and the Tuesday Watercolor Painting class. I hope to have a good turnout of guests at the meet and greet. Blessings..gabriele